Open Source Pan/Tilt Head: Introduction

Sometimes you have to stick cameras in odd places. This isn’t a problem by itself. The trouble begins when you have to stick yourself in the same odd place as the camera.

Plus, controlling a camera remotely is just cool.


The majority of my business is live events, with the heaviest focus on classical music recording thanks to my partnership in Sly Pup Productions. When you are a camera operator sitting at the front of a balcony or standing up at the front of venues that aren’t really set up for hosting a recording, it’s painfully obvious that you are ‘in the way’. Wouldn’t it be fantastic to be able to rig a camera that displaces fewer audience members? Wouldn’t it be great to get cameras closer to the stage, or even on stage for more intimate shots?

Yes, it would.

The last few years have seen a huge explosion in motion control solutions for both photography and videography. If you need to automate your timelapse photography or program a pan/tilt/dolly for your product hero shot, you can pick any number of systems that can provide 2 axes of control. Many offer a slider as a 3rd axis, and brands like eMotimo and Rhino can link 4+ axes to add zoom and focus automation as well.

So where does that leave this project? What needs to be achieved that a commercial system cannot?

Open Source

There’s a lot of inspirational material on the internet for projects like this. In the following post, I’ll try to keep an updated list of some of the examples and resources I’ve found throughout the project. Not every project is documented well, so I will work to make this an exception. This is a fun project for me, but realistically I’m building it to meet my own needs, and I don’t have the time or money to make it work for everyone. Plus, be aware of my official disclaimer:

I am not a programmer. I am just OK at programming. My code may function, but it is not efficient. When I need to program something new, I am lucky if I know just enough to know what to Google.

So if you are in a position to further customize this project, go ahead. And then please share your results back with the community.

Furthermore, please do not monetize anything using the code posted here into a commercial product, as I make no claims as to the license code that I’ve referenced for this project. Almost every line has been developed from tutorials, forums, or other online references, but as a general note for the lawyers: all content is property of its respective owners.


If your flavor of video production is served by a commercially available motion control solution, then investing in those products will likely get you fantastic results with about zero work. Do that. Seriously. Stop reading and go just buy a functional product.

If you’re still reading, you probably have realized (like me) that you want motion control, but that commercial systems offering the functionality you want are out of reach. You’re not going to invest $10K+ in a PT head when you’re recording on a GH5 or Sony mirrorless, right?

In brief, my company focuses on provide streaming solutions to videographers that already have equipment. This means that videograhpers can offer live production to their existing clients without having to invest in streaming equipment. Nor do they have the unnecessary expense of renting a production package that includes cameras while their gear sits idle. So I’ve already built an ecosystem around compatibility with outside gear, and naturally a PT solution should be at least somewhat in line with that ideal.



  • Simple, pre-engineered parts for the prototype, with many of them carrying over to the final version. [This project kicked off at the beginning of COVID-19 when I was partially laid-off and had a lot of excess time. Normally I would have access to a machine shop to create custom parts if needed. But off-the shelf is also beneficial to you, the readers at home, who might want to try things out yourselves.]

  • Absolutely silent, or as close to it as possible

  • Mountable on a sturdy tripod, or through some combination of mafers, articulating arms, etc

  • Minimal backlash

  • Exceedingly slow and smooth pan/tilt speeds

  • Fastest speed doesn’t need to whip the camera around, but it needs to be speedy

  • Adjustable to balance many different camera/lens combinations

  • Use of standard 15mm rods for adjustability is a bonus


  • Based off Arduino Uno, of which I have one laying around

  • Uses other parts that I might have laying around

  • Powerable via battery is a bonus

  • Has the potential for upgrading to 3+ axes in the future


  • Remote control from afar is key (200ft+)

  • Wired control is preferred, wireless would be harder to implement reliably (but would be cool!)

  • As a vMix licensee I was planning to invest in Skaarhoj controllers anyway

  • Ability to set and recall preset locations

  • Ability to smoothly control the camera while live

  • In a future version, the OS could be modified to an automated motion control system as needed


Open Source Pan/Tilt Head: Resources